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Overseas Buyers Focus on TOBESOFT Nexacro N v24

Overseas Buyers Focus on TOBESOFT Nexacro N v24
'Software Expo 2023' was a success 500 visitors from Japan, Vietnam, Philippines, etc.

TOBESOFT (CEO Kyong-chan Lee) introduced various solutions to domestic and overseas ICT industry officials, including overseas buyers.

The company announced on November 7 that it participated in the '8th Korea Software Exhibition, Softwave 2023' held at COEX for three days from November 29 to introduce its competitiveness and conduct 1:1 matching consultations.

At the event, TOBESOFT introduced ▲'Nexacro N v24', which dramatically improved mobile user experience and development productivity, ▲'Nexacro N Sketch', which allows non-developers to easily and quickly realize screens, ▲'V-PASS', a smart access management system that simplifies entry and exit procedures, and ▲'TOBEMALL', a shopping mall building platform based on headless commerce.

More than 500 domestic and international visitors, including buyers from Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, and other countries, visited the booth. Visitors who participated in the 'V-PASS Experience', ' Nexacro N Sketch Demonstration', and 'QR Code Survey' events were also given small prizes.

At the booth, the recently released Nexacro N v24 was the most popular product. To this end, TOBESOFT provided 1:1 matching consultations, including a demonstration of developing screens with Nexacro. Visitors' attention was focused on the responsive UX that works flexibly on multiple devices.

Officials in charge of managing public organizations that receive a lot of external visitors were very interested in V-PASS. The feature that it can be linked with the access system already in use as well as various devices drew a lot of responses. Nexacro N Sketch, a UI mockup tool that was officially launched on the 1st, also attracted attention as visitors could experience it firsthand.

"Many buyers showed interest in our products and requested further consultation," said a representative from TOBESOFT. "We will continue to help our customers with DX innovation and lead the domestic market based on the development and business system know-how in various fields."

Meanwhile, in September, TOBESOFT announced a new slogan, 'A company that enriches the future with DX', and announced its identity as a DX specialist company. (end)