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DevPro Adopted by Government, Financial Organizations

DevPro Adopted by Government, Financial Organizations
Increase convenience & productivity with UI-UX integrated development environment solution

TOBESOFT's integrated development environment solution 'DevPro' has been recognized for its convenience and high productivity, and is showing strong growth in just over three months since its launch.

On the 15th, digital transformation (DX) specialist TOBESOFT (CEO Kyong-chan Lee) announced that its integrated development environment solution 'DevPro' is being adopted by domestic companies including the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA).

DevPro is a package solution that minimizes repetitive tasks when building a system and enables developers to proceed with projects more quickly, according to the company.

The average work time from UX planning to UI common work, which takes about 9 months, can be reduced by nearly half, and various projects can be carried out in a short time with a minimum of manpower, reducing time and economic burden. 

According to the Korea Software Industry Association, the average wage growth rate for SW technicians is expected to increase significantly every year, with 6.9% in 2022 and 8.25% in 2023, so the introduction of DevPro is expected to minimize the burden of labor costs by reducing labor time and efficiently deploying manpower for each stage of system construction.

DevPro supports a variety of system environments including development environment configuration, system management, design templates, common functions, as well as server frameworks and five types of databases (DB).

In particular, when introducing DevPro, TOBESOFT provides a one-stop shop for the entire process from consulting to training to technical support, creating a foundation for customers to focus on business screen development.

DevPro is currently being implemented by Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency, Korea Investment and Savings Bank, Unison, Nonghyup Logistics, and Davichi Glasses, and is widely used in all industries, including public, distribution, and finance.

"DevPro is the only solution that is effective in shortening development time and reducing social costs by reducing repetitive tasks," said a representative from TOBESOFT. "We will continue to improve the solution to make it more convenient and versatile for users." (end)