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TOBESOFT Implements “Coal Briquettes of Love” Event

TOBESOFT Implements Coal Briquettes of Love Event
for 6th Consecutive Year
- Hand-deliver 2,000 Briquettes Each to 10 Guryong Village Homes
- Employees and Their Families Took Part in Volunteer Activity
TOBESOFT Co. Ltd., Koreas major software firm (www.tobesoft.co.kr) said on December 14 that it held its annual Coal Briquettes of Love charity event at Guryong Village in Seouls Gangnam for low-income families and single elderly residents. This marks the 6th consecutive year that TOBESOFT has delivered coal briquettes to the needy in December.
The employees and their family members of TOBESOFT hand-delivered the briquettes to ten homes under state aid to help them stay warm and comfortable during the cold winter months.

 Kim Hyeong-gon, TOBESOFT president,
We were shocked to find so many people in need. To assist our neighbors who find it hard to make ends meet during winter, we held our annual coal briquette delivery event. If our small effort made those in need feel just a little warmer, it would be the biggest joy for all of us.
TOBESOFT has continued the event for six straight years jointly with the Coal Briquettes of Love Foundation. The company pledged to continue the event every December and even broaden the scope of the philanthropic effort in years to come.