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TOBESOFT Introduces Nexacro Platform to "EDWARD System" in Keimyung Univ.

TOBESOFT Introduces Nexacro Platform to "EDWARD System" in Keimyung Univ.
- EDWARD System is a next-generation integrated information system complying with HTML5 global web standards
- Merges Integrated Info System and Web Info System into a single system for enhanced user convenience
Nexacro platform, a UI development platform of TOBESOFT (www.tobesoft.co.kr), is now integrated into the EDWARD System, the academic and administrative portal system used by Keimyung University students, professors, and administrators. The system is considered one of the most productive system development cases in the university information system market.
Keimyung University's EDWARD System, the next-generation integrated information system designed to accommodate advanced educational needs while enhancing the existing academic and administrative system, has been reborn as a whole-new customized system after two years of design and analytic effort. It was fully launched after two flawless rounds of final testing.
The new system has integrated two disparate systems, the Integrated Info System and the Web Info System, into the current EDWARD System, thereby boosting user convenience. In addition, it provides highly customized information according to the student's major while enhancing the functionality of research support processes and research vitalization support. It also provides support to individual students by improving the potential for their skills and careers. In terms of administrative system functionality, university administrators are now free from the hassle of a paper-based approval process for purchases and business trips. Since the EDWARD System complies with the global HTLM5 web standards, it is independent from specific browsers while increasing the precision and speed of the university's academic/administrative affairs. For this reason, the system delivers a high degree of user satisfaction.
Choi Yong-ho, CEO of TOBESOFT in charge of domestic business, said, "The Nexacro platform has been introduced to Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Wonkwang University, Ewha Woman's University, and Jeonju University and has played an important role as a UI development platform so that university members can use a variety of services in the system more conveniently and faster thanks to the highly sophisticated UI and excellent performance. Based on the experience we have gained from previous projects, we are able to address the unique needs and requirements of different universities and incorporate them in the EDWARD System for Keimyung University.
After seeing the visible performance of the nexacro platform of TOBESOFT in terms of system performance and stability, as well as maintenance cost and development efficiency, the nexacro platform is rapidly gaining traction among corporations in manufacturing, financial services, healthcare, and education.