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TOBESOFT's Nexacro Platform Wins "Triple Crown" Based on Its Proprietary Source Technology

TOBESOFT's Nexacro Platform Wins "Triple Crown" Based on Its Proprietary Source Technology
- Wins "Public Sector Commissioning Entity Association Chairman's Honor" award in the 2016 Global Commercial Software Exhibition
- Third honor after winning "Top-10 New Technology Award" in the 2014 Korea Technology Grand Awards and Trade, Industry, and Energy Minister's award
TOBESOFT (www.tobesoft.co.kr), an IT company specializing in integrated platforms, said that it has won the "Public Sector Commissioning Entity Association Chairman's Honor" award in the second annual Global Commercial Software Exhibition for its nexacro platform, the first time for a software product to win the “Triple Crown.”
The Nexacro platform, the web standard-based UI development platform launched by TOBESOFT in April 2014, is the company's mainstay product that has continued the previous success of its MiPlatform and XPLATFORM that were once dominate in the X-Internet and Rich Internet Application market. Earlier in 2014, the nexacro platform won a silver medal from the Trade, Industry, and Energy Minister in the Korea Technology Grand Awards, the only software product among the top-10 new technologies of the year. This year's award in the second Global Commercial Software Exhibition was another breakthrough for the company in proving its flagship software product's quality.
Choi Yong-ho, CEO of TOBESOFT's domestic business, said, "The Nexacro platform is a proprietary software product whose popularity is rising fast in Japan, China, and the United States. Since its launch in 2014, the continuous quality improvements by R&D and technical advancements are keeping the Nexacro platform in front of the competition."
Armed with the nexacro platform, TOBESOFT is accelerating its pace of challenge in new business areas starting in late 2015 by polishing its scalable source technology and combining technology with content in a variety of industrial sectors. Currently, the company is busy developing the "Dongdaemun O2O platform" that combines the nexacro platform with a payment system and entertainment industry and fashion industry content.
In the 2016 Global Commercial Software Exhibition held on May 20 at the Sheraton Seoul D-Cube City Hotel, about 400 government officials and industry executives joined executives from commercial software developing firms in sharing information on the latest technology trends and success cases.