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Smart Factory Transformation 'DX' Winds Pick up Steam

Smart Factory Transformation 'DX' Winds Pick up Steam
TOBESOFT and others continue to introduce factory transformation package solutions in line with government blueprint

With the release of the government's Smart Manufacturing Innovation Project Blueprint this year, interest in digital transformation (DX) of manufacturing sites through the deployment of smart factories is increasing. In particular, smart factory construction is expected to expand as the effects of smart factory solutions begin to become visible.

On the 20th, TOBESOFT, a DX solution specialist, plans to speed up the development of smart factory solutions and actively advance related technologies to support customized DX according to the government's smart manufacturing innovation support project.

A smart factory is an intelligent production plant that applies information and communication technology (ICT) to the production process in various fields such as design, development, manufacturing, and distribution. It is a futuristic factory that installs the Internet of Things (IoT) on equipment and machines in the factory and collects and analyzes process data in real time to control itself.

Since 2021, TOBESOFT has been actively pursuing a solution business aimed at smart factories by expanding a dedicated organization to strengthen the competitiveness of IoT technology within the Nexacro platform.

We are actively supporting various solutions such as ▲MES (Manufacturing Execution System) ▲WMS (Warehouse Management System) ▲SCM (Supply Chain Management) ▲QMS (Quality Management System) required for smart factories and strengthening competitiveness in line with the smartization of factories.

In particular, in the case of MES, there is a strong tendency to prefer development based on the Nexacro platform or based on the Nexacro platform in the field, and there are many cases of applying the Nexacro platform to improve the maintenance efficiency of existing systems in the development of various process management systems. 

Currently, dozens of companies such as SAMSUNG Display, POSCO Future M, and DONGKUK Steel have applied smart factory package solutions including TOBESOFT MES, and this total smart factory package can be utilized as a customized solution for various industries and verticals.

As the effectiveness of smart factories is becoming more tangible, TOBESOFT plans to further upgrade its smart factory building solutions based on IoT technology.

In fact, according to an opinion survey of participating companies in the 'Samsung Smart Factory Support Project' announced by the Korea Federation of Small and Medium Enterprises, 92.3% of SMEs said they were 'satisfied' with the smart factory support project.

In particular, 85% of them were satisfied with the smart factory solution built through the support project, and 96.2% of them said that smart factories are necessary for SMEs to secure manufacturing competitiveness.

"With the expansion of smart factories, strengthening the digital transformation (DX) capabilities of companies is becoming a hot topic, and we have been introducing differentiated smart factory solutions based on IoT technology for many years," said a representative from Tobesoft. "We will continue to do our best to upgrade our solutions so that more companies can strengthen their competitiveness through our solutions and make DX connectivity easy and simple." (end)