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DXTOBE develops New Charting Technology

DXTOBE develops New Charting Technology
DX Chart, a charting component, makes it easy for anyone to visualize data

DXTOBE (CEO Youngsik Choi), a subsidiary of TOBESOFT, today announced the launch of DX Chart, a customizable charting solution optimized for Nexacro, a UI/UX development platform.

A charting solution is a component that implements data or statistics into a desired design and chart on a web browser. 

DX Chart is a highly controllable and easy-to-use web-based charting component designed to make life easier for developers using the UI/UX development platform Nexacro.

Supporting CSS-based tooltip functionality, DX Chart is cross-browser compatible and can be used not only on Nexacro Web, but also on Pure Web and mobile on all operating systems.

Developed as a canvas type, DX Charts have a simpler and lighter Document Object Model (DOM) tree structure than scalable vector graphics (SVG) types, allowing them to handle larger jobs more quickly. 

In general, canvas is lighter than SVG and uses less memory when rendering, reducing the load on web pages and providing faster loading speeds.

DX Chart provides 29 charts, including Bar, Line, Radar, Pie, Gantt, and more than 300 samples for optimized data visualization. In particular, you can change the colors and charts to your liking, allowing you to customize them freely.

In addition, dynamic and various types of animation effects allow free expression according to the user's intention, and design and function changes can be easily reflected in the chart in Json format. You can also share your charts with the community, so you can experiment with different charting approaches.

"DX Chart is the optimal solution for anyone to easily and quickly create visual data using various charts and implement customized charts," said a representative from DXTOBE. "We will continue to update it to reflect the needs of consumers."