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Attending the TOBESOFTJAPAN 'DX & AI Forum 2024 Summer Tokyo'

Attending the TOBESOFTJAPAN 'DX & AI Forum 2024 Summer Tokyo'
Presentation on 'Nexacro N, a UI/UX low-code development tool that enables sustainable DX'

TOBESOFTJAPAN announced that it participated in the ‘DX & AI Forum 2024 Summer Tokyo’ event hosted by SoftBank Media affiliate SB Creative at the Tokyo Conference Center.

The event, themed ‘Transformation and Creation Challenged by AI and DX, Digital Strategies for Japan to Win in the World’ was attended by more than 1,000 industry stakeholders, including chief information officers(CIO) and digital transformation(DX) managers from major Japanese companies. 

On this day, TOBESOFTJAPAN set up an exhibition booth and introduced Nexacro N, which is scheduled to be released in Japan on March 21st, to visitors.

At the subsequent conference, under the theme of ‘NEXACRO N, a UI/UX low-code development tool that realizes sustainable DX’ the company presented the challenges that companies face in the DX process and how Nexacro N solves them and realizes DX.

In fact, many Japanese companies have made DX an important part of their mission and are actively adopting it, but the pace and success rate of DX is not as high as that of global companies.

According to a DX report released by global consulting firm PWC Consulting Limited(Japan), Japan's response to DX has remained stagnant from last year to this year, with no significant changes. In particular, only about 10% of companies are “achieving sufficient results” through DX, and most of them are unable to challenge new approaches to achieve greater results.

After the conference, many visitors visited the TOBESOFTJAPAN booth to ask questions about Nexacro and to try out the product. Japanese companies such as NEC, Fujitsu, NTT DATA, Ricoh, Mitsubishi Corporation, and others showed great interest in the ICT platforms required for digital transformation and various service trends available in the cloud environment.

A DX representative who visited the booth said, “There are many difficulties in fostering talent, forming an internal culture, organizing a specialized data-driven organization, and securing a budget, which are most important for DX policies.” “Everyone is interested in realizing sustainable DX through a low-code platform,” he said.

“Through participating in this conference, we were able to look at the current status of DX in Japan and listen to the field stories from the people in charge,” said a representative from TOBESOFTJAPAN. “We will actively conduct sales activities to realize sustainable DX through Nexacro in line with the Japanese DX environment.”