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TOBESOFT hosts 'Grand Seminar 2014' reflecting the ecological philosophy.

Posting date: 2014-05-12
We are talking about 'TOBESOFT' making strides to realize BUX (Business User eXperience)!
- Introducing the global unified brand ‘nexacro platform’ and presenting the ecological philosophy

TOBESOFT (CEO Kim Hyeong-gon, www.tobesoft.co.kr), a leader of business UI/UX, will host 'TOBESOFT Grand Seminar 2014' at the Grand Ballroom of Grand Intercontinental Hotel at 1:00pm on May 29.

At this seminar held under the theme of ‘Rebooting 2014 : BUX, Global and Ecosystem,’ Prof. Cho Gwang- soo, Graduate School of Information, Yonsei University, Rob Gagne, CEO of Nexaweb, TOBESOFT's US subsidiary, and Cho Chang-hoon, director of TOBESOFT Research Institute will deliver keynote speeches, and the best practices of Daewoo Securities, S-Oil and Teachers Pension will be presented.

Under the slogan of Beyond OSMU for Business with you, TOBESOFT prepared a variety of exhibition booths so that participants can experience the process of realizing One Source Multi Use (OSMU). Also, to realize ‘BUX (Business User eXperience)’ that implements the UI/UX optimized for multiple business environments, we will introduce through programs and exhibition booths how TOBESOFT is advancing and our strategy for making inroads into the global market. The exhibition booths will enable participants to check the functions of the 'nexacro platform,' which transformed itself from ‘XPLATFORM 13’ into a global unified brand; and the new special XCRO-based SAP functions will be demonstrated and mini talk shows and game events will be featured.

What is particularly noteworthy in ‘Grand Seminar 2014’ is that the first part of the seminar contains the ecological philosophy of TOBESOFT emphasizing ‘People,’ ‘Environment’ and ‘Sharing.’ We established the programs with a focus on 'People; so that participants can feel and understand how TOBESOFT is building an ecosystem together with partners and developers, and made the seminar 'paperless' for the sake of the ‘environment’ and chose donations instead of offering giveaways through various events to ‘share' with others. We will donate the money raised through the seminar for scholarships for future software developers.
“To realize BUX through true OSMU, all employees of TOBESOFT are making continued efforts,” said Kim Hyeong-gon, CEO of TOBESOFT. “Please pay attention to TOBESOFT as we are making inroads into the global market while realizing BUX.” He also said, “Come to the seminar, experience the ecological philosophy of TOBESOFT thinking of people, sharing and our environment, and think about the importance of creating an ecosystem. Take part in building a healthy IT ecosystem.”

Everyone interested in the business UI/UX and IT ecosystem based on the unified framework can participate in ‘Grand Seminar 2014,’ hosted by TOBESOFT, free of charge. Simply apply for participation and conveniently check preliminary events at the seminar website (mplanners.kr/tobesoft/2014).