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Nexaweb Japan to Hold “Grand Seminar 2014” to Discuss Modernization and Mottainai

Press Release: Nexaweb Japan, Grand Seminar 2014 Discusses “Modernization” and “Mottainai”
Sent on: Nov. 12, 2014
Nexaweb Japan to Hold “Grand Seminar 2014” to Discuss Modernization and Mottainai
-       How to improve UI and UX while retaining the value of your existing corporate system
-       How to realize a one-source-multi-use environment in a multitude of user environments
Nexaweb Japan, the Japanese unit of TOBESOFT, the industry leader in user interface and user experience, held the “Nexaweb Japan Grand Seminar 2014” at the TKP Ichigaya Conference Center in Tokyo on November 11.
With themes of “how to satisfy the requirements of mobile support and mottainai[1] at the same time and learn through the latest cases on how to go mobile based on HTML5,” Nexaweb Japan introduced ways to support web-based mobile platform such as HTML5 and JavaScript and expand the multiplatform.
The seminar began with the case study of Nomura Research Institute’s efforts to develop a multi-client base, followed by cases of multi-browser and multi-platform development using the 'nexacro platform', the global UI/UX platform brand. Panelists experienced in modernization then suggested useful solutions for companies to improve existing web/mobile systems by incorporating latest technologies.
In Japan and other countries including Korea, support of the mobile environment with the existing corporate system has become an important task in business innovation. System operators within corporations and external system integration contractors have become more burdened with building systems capable of supporting a multi-platform base and showing how to operate such systems more efficiently.
Many Japanese firms are looking for ways to overcome challenges posed by the discontinuation of support for Visual Basic 6 and Windows XP, the increasing operational cost of legacy systems, and the difficulty of changing the setting in real time. Kazumi Nagai, chief operating officer of Nexaweb Japan, remarked, “We try to work with client firms on how to overcome problems in their corporate business systems. Most Japanese companies have invested in systems for a long time and don’t want to change overnight. The 'nexacro platform' from Nexaweb Japan improves existing systems with a higher level UI and UX and achieves a real one-source-multi-use environment while retaining the existing system’s strengths. That’s why we are holding the Grand Seminar 2014.”
He continued, “Nexaweb Japan maintains communication with clients and partner firms to continuously carry out information system innovations and respond to new challenges proactively. Solutions such as the Visual Basic 6 automatic conversion technology, Xcro for SAP (automatic web/mobile conversion solution), mobile solutions for mainframe and AS400, all based on the Nexacro Platform, are optimized for market requirements and deliver improved business capabilities.”
The seminar hall was packed with 200 participants who braved the inclement weather to hear presenters discuss new trends. Response to the event’s innovative technical content was overwhelmingly positive.

[1] Mottainai: “Mottainai” is a Japanese term conveying a sense of regret concerning waste. In the IT industry, it refers to an attempt to improve or renovate the system through more efficient reuse of the existing system.