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Consecutive ‘Outstanding Partner’ selection for TOBESOFT!

Consecutive ‘Outstanding Partner’ selection for TOBESOFT!
- Hyundai AutoEver selects TOBESOFT as a '4-Star Partner' in 2015 following the 'Outstanding Partner' honor in 2013.
- Daebo Communication & Systems acknowledges TOBESOFT's superior quality management as reason for selection.
Business UI/UX specialist TOBESOFT (www.tobesoft.co.kr) is currently enjoying the honor of being selected as an "Outstanding Partner" by ITS specialists Hyundai AutoEver (Hyundai Motor Group subsidiary, CEO Seong-geun Park) and Daebo Communication & Systems (CEO Jin-il Mun).
Since its foundation, TOBESOFT has continued to develop partnerships and mutually-beneficial relationships with IT companies of various fields and has recently proven itself in an official capacity regarding its quality management and contributions in successful projects by being selected as an "Outstanding Partner" by Hyundai AutoEver and Daebo Communication & Systems.
After selecting TOBESOFT as an "Outstanding Partner" in 2013, Hyundai AutoEver once again displayed their appreciation for the company this year by presenting a "4-Star Partner" certificate of appreciation for TOBESOFT's "contributions toward successful project completion" and "[ensuring] project quality through cooperation."
TOBESOFT CEO Yong-ho Choi stated, "We simply mobilized 15 years of our accumulated technologies and remained true to every project to secure mutual trust with partners. I'm humbled and grateful to be recognized as an outstanding partner." He added, "We will continue to cooperate for successful project completions with our customers and mutual growth with domestic IT enterprises."