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Smartro VMS System Built on TOBESOFT's nexacro platform

Smartro VMS System Built on TOBESOFT's nexacro platform
Integrated development from desktops to mobile systems with nexacro platform
The 'Business UI/UX' specialist TOBESOFT (www.tobesoft.co.kr) announced the successful building of the VAN Management System (VMS) on the Nexacro Platform for Smartro (www.smartro.co.kr), the total-payment service company that provides high-quality, reliable value-added network (VAN) services for credit card transactions.
The new Smartro VMS allows for the integrated management of merchant franchises, terminal information, and transaction history all in a single system. The system allows users to check the status of approximately 500 franchises and provides support for multiple yet-to-be-named services.
Smartro's existing internal systems were in need of integration because they were developed using multiple development sources and some underdeveloped systems needed to be improved. Smartro decided to gradually convert its internal systems to the Nexacro Platform to unify the operating system platforms, reduce operating costs, improve performance, and implement mobile services according to the needs of its stakeholders.
A systems architect from Smartro remarked, "The nexacro platform's competitive edge was its ability to implement a system in a variety of work environments with just a single coding process. We ultimately selected the nexacro platform after determining that this key feature would shorten development and training time as well as eliminate delays and costs stemming from outsourcing [development]. The implementation of the new mobile system in particular has shown great effect in enhancing the work efficiency of users." He added, "When we initially decided to switch to nexacro platform, it was a newly-released product, and there weren't many success cases for us to study. However, we already had tremendous faith in TOBESOFT after having used their MiPlatform for some time, and this played a major role in the final decision."
Speaking about the customer response to their product, TOBESOFT CEO Yong-ho Choi stated, "As an OSMU (one-source, multi-use) product, our nexacro platform supports a wide range of browsers and operating systems as well as work environments on a variety of devices from PC to mobile through a single development process. We are grateful to have received high praise from customers who emphasize the need to support such diverse work environments." He continued, "We value the trust we've built with our customers through our technologies, and we will do our best to further increase customer satisfaction with prompt and seamless technical support."