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TOBESOFT donates XPLATFORM to Korea Polytechnics to help nurture IT talent

TOBESOFT donates XPLATFORM to Korea Polytechnics to help nurture IT talent
-       Donates 80-million-won XPLATFORM for Use in Computing Class
-       Promises to fulfill its corporate social responsibility by expanding the scope of CSR program and support for nurturing Korean IT talent
㈜투비소프트, 엑스플랫폼 기증으로 ‘한국폴리텍대학’ IT인력양성 지원_20151111.png
㈜투비소프트, 엑스플랫폼 기증으로 ‘한국폴리텍대학’ IT인력양성 지원_20151111.png
l  Picture: Kang Ku-hong, head of the Korea Polytechnics IT Convergence Campus Project (left) and Kim Hyeong-gon, CEO of TOBESOFT (right)
are taking a commemorative photo after signing the deed of gift and MOU.
[Seoul, Korea - November 11, 2015] TOBESOFT specializing in business UI and UX (www.tobesoft.co.kr) announced that it has signed an MOU with Korea Polytechnics University (www.kopo.ac.kr) for academic-industrial cooperation and donated its UI and UX development platform XPLATFORM to the Data Convergence SW Department for educational purposes.
XPLATFORM donated to Korea Polytechnics the worlds first business RIA (Rich Internet Application) platform, one of the representative development platforms of TOBESOFT along with nexacro platform and MiPlatform. XPLATFORM supports easy animation implementation and performance with a wealth of components that have been optimized for today’s business environment, making it highly recognized in the industry as a leading-edge technology that solves the problems developers’ are facing with OS and device fragmentation, for example how to support multi-platform, cross browser and object oriented programming.
Kim Hyeong-gon, CEO of TOBESOFT said, XPLATFORM donated to Korea Polytechnics IT Convergence Campus (tentative name)[1] features multiple functions for UI (User Interface). Though students are not yet experts, they will be able to quickly get up to speed with the easy-to-understand UI.XPLATFORM has been used for a number of business system UI development projects for domestic and international companies and public institutions in a wide range of fields. When students learn how to develop UIs through XPLATFORM, their work productivity will be dramatically higher when they get hired after graduating and participate in today’s workforce,” he explained. “I hope that XPLATFORM will be fully used in computing classes and make a contribution to nurturing professionals in the field of UI and UX,” he added.
Recently TOBESOFT has donated software and funds to educational institutions including Korea University and Seoul National University of Science and Technology as part of its effort to foster IT talent in Korea. TOBESOFT said that it will continue to carry out its corporate social responsibility through voluntary services in addition to support for bringing up young talent. 
Kang Hong-gu, head of the Korea Polytechnics IT Convergence Campus Project said, The 21st knowledge based society demands continual change and new paradigm. It is the duty of Korea Polytechnics to produce talent in response to the needs of companies. He explained, We will run a systematic academic-industrial cooperation system combining education with TOBESOFT technology, the leader in the UI and UX field, and serve as an employment hub by fostering young outstanding talent capable of meeting the demands of the information age.
 Korea Polytechnics IT Convergence Campus plans to provide an ITC and BT training program for unemployed university graduates from March 2016 with a budget of KRW 26.1 billion and the government scholarship will cover the entire cost of tuition. Applications for this program will be accepted in January 2016.
[Korea Polytechnics]
The term polytechnics refers to an institute of technology and polytechnic in Australia, UK, Germany, Singapore and throughout the world. Korea Polytechnics is rapidly becoming one of Korea’s representative vocational education institutes that graduates competent, skillful technicians. The school’s new paradigm in vocational education prepares Korea’s youth to meet the dynamic challenges of today’s global society.  

[1] IT Convergence Campus: the campus is not yet open. An official name will be given in the year 2016.